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Welcome to Teacher Retirement Financial Services, where teachers come first.  We specialize in retirement planning for educators. Our dedicated team offers personalized services, focusing on  IUL, and Annuity products to secure your financial future for you and your family.

 'Teacher Retirement Financial Services provided me with invaluable guidance for my retirement planning with a no pressure approach.        Patricia Abbott                                                                                               

About Us

Teacher Retirement Financial Services (TRFS) was founded by Matt Wilson with a mission to prioritize the financial well-being of educators. With over 20 years of experience in education, Matt understands firsthand the unique financial challenges faced by teachers. Many educators may not realize that they do not fully control their retirement benefits, and what they receive may fall short of their financial needs in retirement.

TRFS is dedicated to empowering teachers across the country by providing personalized financial strategies that help you plan for a secure retirement, save for your children’s education, pay off your mortgage, and build lasting wealth. At TRFS, we believe that educators can achieve financial independence without compromising their passion for teaching.

Our Products

  Introducing the IUL:       

 Option for Educators' Retirement

Many educators face limited retirement options or complicated formulas to figure out how much they'll have saved. In most cases, schools offer 403(b) plans or Roth IRAs for extra retirement savings. However, educators often don’t realize these plans have limits, and many don’t stay in the profession long enough to fully benefit from them. Let me introduce you to a better option: the Indexed Universal Life (IUL) policy.

An IUL is a retirement product that you fully own—no strings attached to your employer—and it comes with a range of benefits that can give you more flexibility and security. Here’s why:

Why Choose an IUL?

  1. You Own It: Unlike a 403(b) or pension, you fully own your IUL. If you leave teaching or change careers, your IUL comes with you, and you don’t have to start over with your retirement savings.

  2. Tax-Free: The money you grow in your IUL is 100% tax-free. Plus, when you access your money in the future, you won’t have to pay taxes on it like you would with other retirement accounts.

  3. Death Benefit: If something happens to you, your family will receive a tax-free death benefit. This gives you peace of mind knowing your loved ones are protected.

  4. Use It for Life’s Major Expenses: Your IUL isn’t just for retirement. You can borrow from it at any time—tax-free—to pay for your child’s college, pay off your mortgage early, or cover any other big expenses. There are no penalties for accessing your money.

  5. No Market Losses: Your IUL’s cash value grows based on the stock market index (like the S&P 500), but you won’t lose money if the market goes down. It’s a safer way to grow your savings without the risk of losing it in bad years.

How It Works:

  • You Pay Into It: Like any life insurance policy, you make payments into the IUL. Part of that payment goes toward your death benefit, and the other part goes into your cash value, which grows over time.

  • Access Your Money Anytime: Whether it’s for retirement or another big expense, you can borrow from your IUL’s cash value tax-free and without penalties.

Why This Is Great for Educators:

  • Portability: If you leave education, your IUL stays with you, unlike some retirement plans that are tied to your job.

  • Flexibility: You can use it for more than just retirement—pay off loans, help with college costs, or handle emergencies, all while avoiding taxes and penalties.

  • Security: Your IUL grows without the risk of losing money in a market downturn, and it protects your family with a tax-free death benefit.

In summary, an IUL is a flexible, tax-free tool that offers more than traditional retirement plans. It's designed to give you control over your financial future, no matter where your career takes you.


Patricia: 'Teacher Retirement Financial Services provided me with invaluable guidance for my retirement planning with a no pressure approach.  Matt did a great job explaining everything virtually.  I highly recommend TRFS!

Patricia - 1st Grade Teacher and Small Business Owner

Gloria: 'I highly recommend Teacher Retirement Financial Services to all educators. Matt and his team did a great job explaining what I would and wouldn't receive from TRS.

Gloria - Spanish Teacher and Summer School assistant.

Jeffrey: 'I never knew much about TRS.  I only thought we could invest in a 403b as a second option.  I realized through a little extra work I could pay into an IUL and lose nothing from my base pay. 

Jeffrey - Social Studies Teacher and Lacrosse Coach

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